Presenting… The Front Cover of the first MeatShield book! Ta dah!!
I figured you all have waited long enough to get a glimpse of what the book would look like, so when I finally finished the cover the other day, I knew that it was the perfect way to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of MeatShield! Worry not, the storyline will pick back up on Monday.
I know I’ve said this before, but it really can’t be said too many times: Thank you. Thank you for reading and for coming back every other day to see what everyone’s favorite half-orc and company are up to. Without your support, I would just be flinging my cartoons out into the ether of the Internet, hoping they bring a grin to someone’s day. If I can make just one person laugh… wow, that would really suck, I need to reach way more people than that! 😉
Thanks, and I’ll see you on Monday for the start of MeatShield… YEAR THREE!