629 – He’s a laugh riot, all right.

Hey, no one said parenting half-orcs would be easy!

  I have a tiny favor to ask, folks. I’ve been learning more about SEO (search engine optimization). This is so that more people can discover MeatShield, and thus live better, slimmer, debt-free, happier lives with clear complexions and thicker, more lustrous hair ;).
  What I discovered is this: that while “liking” or “favoriting” my posts and tweets is nice, they do nothing for me from a SEO standpoint. Shares and retweets, however – those are gold. So here’s the favor I ask of you: If you do indeed like the strip, great! Thanks! Please hit the “Share” or “retweet” buttons also. That’s it.
   Some of you already do this (because I see when you do it – and thanks for that, you guys!), but I can use all the help I can get.
Take care,