510 – Where’s Rusty the Bailiff?

Today’s punchline is brought to you today courtesy of my wife. It’s one of the many reasons I married her: she is good at helping me get out of my own way and bring the funny. No new strip on Friday, on account of a) I’ll be recovering from a turkey coma and b) I have to try to get my NaNoWriMo novel done by the deadline. However, I have some super good A-1 news… (drumroll please)

Book Two is now available!! Yay!!!! Just go ahead and click on the banner ad at the top or on the STORE link in the menu over the cartoon and you too can add to your MeatShield library! I’m really excited about this and I’m so happy that it’s done! Let me know what you think!


Happy Thanksgiving! See you in December!
