630 – Have we met?

You ever look at pictures of yourself when you were a lot younger and shook your head at your fashion and/or hairstyle choices? That’s kind of what it’s like for me looking back at my older work, which I recently had to do to see how I drew both Mona (Dhur’s Mom) and Ghar. Man, […]

637 – Bro Hugs!

Bad attitudes don’t last forever. At least, in Ghar’s case they don’t. 🙂 I have a favor to ask: I’m trying to get better about marketing MeatShield. It’s one step on the road to being a full-time cartoonist, so I whipped up this little survey to get some very basic info. Help a dude out […]

638 – Welcome to Nabbai!

Figuratively! They can figuratively smell fear! Yes, I about near killed my hand drawing all those bricks. The next comic strip I do is going to be nothing but talking colored shapes, like triangles and polyhedrons.;) Thank you all for participating in the survey I posted in the last blog post. So far, 89 people […]