See, there was a reason they went to the W’Shaa monastery! In case you’re having trouble remembering, go check this strip out, which started the entire W’Shaa storyline.
Jaine is having the same reaction that I have when entering a good bookstore. Not a big box bookstore, like Barnes & Noble or Books-A-Million, but instead those increasingly rare independent bookstores. The best one I’ve ever been in has to be, hands down, Powell’s City of Books in Portland, Oregon, although The Tattered Cover in Denver Colorado comes close. It takes up an entire city block and is at least three stories tall. It’s the only store (bookstore or otherwise) I’ve ever been in where they hand you a map of the store so you can find you way back out again! It’s like exploring a literary labyrinth, full of aisles going this way and that… it’s booklover Nirvana.
Ok, I’m done rambling. See you all on Monday afternoon!